Contact Support
You can contact us for direct support or help regarding software applications. You can also provide feedback, suggestions, or report bugs.
Usually, I (Wern) will address support requests personally, though they may also be answered by others. The estimated response times above provides a rough gauge of when to expect a reply.
Keep in mind that, as an indie developer juggling software maintainance and my academic workload, I may need time to implement software updates (most often they’ll only be done during academic breaks).
View software support list...
Available- Battery Monitor
- Calculator Plus
- Digital Scale Plus
- DirectTalk (formerly Walkie Talkie P2P)
- Fae Chess
- Loci
- Personal Diary
- Air Hockey
- Countdown
- Farkle
- Focuz
- Height Ruler
- Phone Security Alarm
- Pong
- Reflex
- WakeUp Alarm
- WZP (formerly WhatZapp)
Contact Methods
There are several ways to contact support. When you do, remember to provide the following information, especially if you need help:
- App name and version
- Device model and operating system version
- Detailed description of the issue you are facing
- Screenshots or screen recordings of the issue (if applicable)
- Any other relevant information that may help.
Direct Email
You can contact support directly via [reveal address...] .
PS: Tap or hover to reveal the details.Within Apps
On certain software and services, the interface includes a direct link to contact support via email.
This is the preferred method of contact as it often auto-attaches additional info and diagnostic logs along with your email.
They are often titled something like “Report a Problem”, “Send Feedback”, “Contact Support”, etc., and can be usually be found in the app’s settings or info pages. Your device needs to have an email client installed and configured for this to work.
Instagram Direct
You can contact support via Instagram DMs at @werndevsupport.
Facebook Messenger
You can contact support via Facebook Messenger at @werndevsupport.
GitHub Issues & Discussions
On certain applications, there may be a GitHub repository available.
You can create an Issue or make a post under Q&A in Discussions on these repositories. As this is a public forum, please do not include any personal information in your submissions.